MainstreamBIO and AgriLoop Join Forces: Pioneering a Sustainable Bioeconomy

Project newsMainstreamBIO and AgriLoop Join Forces: Pioneering a Sustainable Bioeconomy

MainstreamBIO and AgriLoop Join Forces: Pioneering a Sustainable Bioeconomy

MainstreamBIO and AgriLoop project have joined forces towards  revolutionizing the global bioeconomy landscape.

AgriLoop, a consortium dedicated to extending the agricultural production value in the European Union and China, is leveraging eco-efficient methods to transform under-exploited residues into high-value bio-products. These products not only open new bio-based markets but also compete with conventional oil- and food crop-based equivalents.

Through innovative processes and collaborative efforts, AgriLoop is developing safe-and-sustainable-by-design (SSbD) bioconversion processes. These processes integrate cascading biorefinery approaches to convert various agri-residues into plant and microbial proteins, polyesters, and other bio-based chemicals.

The objective? To cater to diverse applications such as food, feed, health, and materials, particularly within the farming sector.

By combining resources and expertise, we pave the way for flexible agri-based value chains even beyond the european borders, tapping into dynamic markets for mainstreaming bio-based products.

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