Our study on local regions needs, perceptions & socio-economic conditions is completed!  

Project newsOur study on local regions needs, perceptions & socio-economic conditions is completed!  

Our study on local regions needs, perceptions & socio-economic conditions is completed!  

MainstreamBIO used a mixed-methods approach to comprehensively analyze the needs, socio-economic context, and framework conditions in 12 rural regions across the EU. The Horizon Europe MainstreamBIO Project aimed to create a profile for each MIP focal region and synthesize the knowledge gathered on farmers’ needs, perceptions, and socio-economic contexts.


The analysis involved several exploratory activities, including targeted desk research, semi-structured interviews with 35 experts, and an online survey to capture awareness levels and perceptions of the bioeconomy and biobased solutions among a broader group of stakeholders.

The desk research sought to map the current state of the bioeconomy in MainstreamBIO’s focal regions. This included factors such as stakeholder awareness and social acceptance, policy frameworks, progress, challenges, opportunities for bioeconomy development, barriers, supporting conditions, and financial support and investments. The semi-structured interviews aimed to investigate the bioeconomic state of each focal region in greater depth. The interviews covered topics such as regional bioeconomy cases, challenges, barriers, social acceptance, regulation, and market conditions. Finally, the online survey aimed to capture awareness levels and perceptions regarding the bioeconomy and biobased solutions, products, and nutrient circularity practices.

The results of the study indicate significant differences both between the targeted countries and among key-stakeholder groups. Economic factors, such as a lack of investments and access to finance, were found to be the main obstacles and needs for the development of the bioeconomy and adoption of biobased solutions. However, a lack of policy and regulatory frameworks and stakeholder engagement were also identified as factors that determine the obstacles and needs.

Overall, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the bioeconomy in 12 rural regions across the EU.

 A detailed report on the research findings will be available soon.

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