Check out our Regional Mapping of Bio-based Value Chains

Project newsCheck out our Regional Mapping of Bio-based Value Chains

Check out our Regional Mapping of Bio-based Value Chains

MTU and MainstreamBIO partners have completed a core task of the project on Mapping of Regional Bio-based Value Chains in 7 diverse Multi-actor Innovation Platform (MIP) regions of Europe. The structured approach combines a desk literature review within the focal regions conducted by MTU (IE) WR (NL), IUNG (PL), FBCD (DK), PROC (SE), AUP (BG) and INNV (ES), complemented by interviews with key experts. The analysis covers the biomass arisings, flows, fates, stakeholders and technologies or innovations under development within these value chains. A number of key findings can be summarized from the analysis:

In total, 27 value chains were described across the 7 MIP regions, covering a total of 172 million tDM of biomass arisings from different sources. All of the primary sectors of agriculture, forestry and the marine were represented in the study, with agriculture being the most represented producer. The largest biomass arisings are found in the regions which focused on large livestock sectors such as ruminant production (e.g., Denmark (51.9 million tDM); Ireland (70.5 million tDM), were largely dominated by biomass from the livestock sectors). However, several smaller sectors, focused on high value products, such as rose oil and walnut oil production were also include

Figure 1: Sample Biomass Arising and Stakeholder Maps from across the 7 MIP regions

While the arisings of biomass are often large, it seems from the analysis of feedstock flows, that much of this is often already in some existing use, which may serve a very important function (e.g., in animal feed, soil application or energy production as per Figure 2 below). Even if there are other opportunities to increase the value of this biomass, care therefore needs to be taken to ensure that any diversion of feedstock towards new applications is managed in a sustainable way. The flow of biomass per region by end use is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Flow of biomass arisings into different applications per region

Despite the diversity of feedstock contained within the regions, there are also many identified common opportunities across the regions in sectors such as grassland, forestry, cereals and livestock. Some of these opportunities for deploying small-scale bio-based solutions are identified in Table 1 using a classification for biorefineries based on feedstock. These are also potential opportunities for cross-regional learning, cooperation and collaboration, as many innovations, technologies or expertise may be transferrable between the MIP regions. Since the mapping activities represents only a snapshot of the regional opportunities that exists, further work will be undertaken to identify key opportunities through our MIP networks during the project.

Table 1: Common areas of value chain interest within the 7 MIP regions

Read the related report here.

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