Introducing the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems !

Project newsIntroducing the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems !

Introducing the Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems !

The Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems will contribute to the New European Innovation Agenda and its flagship action in building 100 regional deep-tech innovation valleys.

Indeed, Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems aims to harness the potential of deep-tech innovation across the different EU territories and address the innovation divide in the field of bioeconomy and food systems. A true asset that will contribute to the development of 100 regional deep-tech regions committed to enhance the coordination and direction of their research and innovation investments and policies at regional level and to collaborate on inter-regional innovation projects including deep tech innovation.

More specifically, Regional Innovation Valleys for Bioeconomy and Food Systems (RIV4BFS) refers to existing or developing regional innovation ecosystems that involves actors from across the quadruple helix (industry, academia, civil society, and public authorities) with a focus on bioeconomy and food systems that are critical for EU industrial value chains.

RIV4BFS has three main objectives. First, the scaling and speeding-up of solutions in available technological areas for bioeconomy and food systems. Second, increasing the inter-connectedness among existing European regional innovation ecosystems. Third, the promotion of a dialogue with member states and regions on potential and future funding for RIV4BFS valleys under ongoing/future NEIA or national and regional calls initiatives.

Furthermore, RIV4BFS will allow innovators to bring their ideas to the market and enable innovations to be scaled up at EU level and facilitating the link with the private sector and other research and innovation actors. Deep tech will be key to strengthen their efficiency and potential to innovate.

With a systematic approach to innovation, RIV4BFS will go beyond technologies to integrate other bottlenecks of system change in food and bioeconomy such as infrastructure, regulation, or consumption patterns. They will foster the creation of efficient, open, inclusive and interconnected European innovation ecosystems.

It is important to highlight RIV4BFS covers the entire bioeconomy sector. According to regional priorities in bioeconomy and food systems, RIV4BFS can have different sizes and configurations depending on stakeholders typologies proper to each specific valley.

RIV4BFS is a game-changer in the development of bioeconomy in both rural and urban areas, while also addressing innovation disparities within the EU with a particular focus on Central and Eastern European countries.

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