MainstreamBIO 1st Introductory Meeting with AB Members was a success !
On 29 November 2023, MainstreamBIO Project 1st Introductory Meeting with Advisory Board (AB) members ended successfully.
The MainstreamBIO Advisory Board acts as a consultation body providing the project with feedback, strategic recommendations, contributing to the project dissemination through their wider stakeholder communication channels, while also maximising and sustaining the project results.
During the meeting, consortium partners presented the project’s results and achievements made so far for each Work Package (WP) to AB members to receive their input and feedback. As a result, exchanges followed on the Open Calls, the digital toolkit, and the innovation support services provided by MainstreamBIO. Last but not least, AB members and project partners discussed how to proceed smoothly regarding project deadlines and upcoming tasks.
A special thanks to our AB members for their valuable support and expertise !